London Road Veterinary Centre 01553 773168
The Hollies Veterinary Clinic 01366 386655

Repeat Prescriptions

Order your medication online

Written Prescriptions - Client Notice

  • Written prescriptions are available from London Road and the Hollies Vets. You may obtain Prescription Only Medicines from your veterinary surgeon or request a prescription and obtain these medicines from another veterinary surgeon or pharmacy. 
  • The general policy of this practice is to assess an animal requiring repeat prescriptions every 6 months, but this may vary with individual circumstances. The standard charge for a prescription review is £68.00.
  • Your veterinary surgeon may only prescribe Prescription Only Medicines for animals under their care.
  • A prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an inpatient or immediate treatment is necessary. 
  • You will be informed, on request, of the price of any medicine that may be dispensed for your animal. 
  • Further information on the prices of medication is available on request. 

Repeat Prescription Form

Clients: Please use the form below to request repeat prescriptions for your animal. Please allow at least 7 working days notice so that your request can be authorised by a veterinary surgeon.

If you require medications for more than one pet, please submit a separate request for each animal.

Are you a registered client?

Has your pet been examined by our vets within the last 6 months?

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